We all want to experience joy! Isn’t it the same as happiness? Can it be cultivated in this busy and sometimes chaotic life we live?
First let’s define Joy and Happiness.
- Joy is defined as “an acute, intensely positive experience often characterized by excitement and connection”.
- Happiness is defined as “an enduring state of well-being; a sense that one’s life is meaningful and valued”.
We may already be experiencing happiness; but joy is a burst of excitement, an intense positive moment that can energize us! It can create a special memory that can be shared with others.
Growing up I was taught to keep emotions in check, be level-headed and life would treat you well. Complaining meant you were ungrateful and getting overly excited was equated to boasting or trying to be the center of attention.
When I started questioning “what is joy” and “where do I find it” it started me on a journey, an exploration. One thing I learned quickly is that I had the power to experience joy in everyday life! It was important and even satisfying to have an outburst of joy, the rush of adrenaline, a spectacular moment!
So, what are some ways you can cultivate joy every day?
- Recognize and celebrate the tiny moments. Be on the lookout for wonder in everyday life. From a beautiful song to a stunning sunset, joy is all around us.
- Express gratitude! People who are grateful tend to experience more joy.
- Celebrate others! The act of celebrating is joyful and sharing it makes it even more powerful.
- Laugh more! Humor and laughter not only enhance joy, but they also reduce stress.
- Prioritize self-care. Taking care of your physical, mental and emotional health creates a more balanced and joyful life experience.
- Make a list. From the simple to the extravagant…what things bring you joy? Document them and continue to find new sources of joy in everyday life.
Linda Bonner is a creative soul and the owner of Linda Bonner Studios, a creative company. She helps people experience joy through connection and communication with custom and personalized cards, miniature art and gifts.